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Our Core Values

El Primer Paso is guided by the following core values:

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Our Approach

El Primer Paso is guided by the following core values:

Integrity, Respect, Early Literacy and Family Involvement in Education, Diversity, Culture and Acceptance of Differences and Community Partnerships

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  • While remaining open to adaptation where needed, we will stay true to our Hispanic identity, developing new programs and applying for funding that is consistent with our mission and the needs of the population we serve.

  • We will follow financial best practices for nonprofits and be efficient in the use of our funds.

  • We will adhere to a strict conflict of interest policy and show no preferential treatment for any staff or Board member, contractor or family interested in our programs.


  • We will treat the children in our care as the treasures that they are, modeling respectful language and behavior at all times.

  • We will show kindness, courtesy, tolerance, fairness and understanding in our interactions with staff, clients and their families, and members of the public and community.

  • We will employ the use of positive language and conflict resolution techniques, such as “I” messages to convey negative information (i.e. “I feel disrespected by your actions” vs. “You did ____”).

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Early Literacy and Family Involvement in Education

  • Providing children with the tools to develop emergent literacy skills will set them on a path of academic and social success, and is especially important for children who are English language learners.

  • Families are essential partners in the educational process, and we will encourage family involvement in learning through participation in on-site and off-site school activities.

Diversity, Culture and Acceptance of Differences

  • We will celebrate the cultures and ethnic diversity of our families and those in the community, seeking culturally authentic materials to enrich the learning of our children.

  • We will model tolerance and acceptance of differences in culture, race, ability, and gender roles, affirming the value of individuality.

  • We will follow a strict policy of non-discrimination.

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Community Partnerships

  • El Primer Paso actively contributes to the good of the community, seeking to work with other agencies and stakeholders to better serve our clients and impact our surroundings as a positive societal force.

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