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What you need to know about Preschool Registration for 2025-2026

El Primer Paso has been accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) since 2004 and is a participant in Grow NJ Kids, the state’s quality rating system. The program meets all the NJ Preschool Standards for Teaching and Learning, using Creative Curriculum and the Teaching Strategies GOLD continuous assessment system. Our bilingual staff provide dual language support for children and parents whose first language is Spanish, but our program serves families from all ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Children with special needs are taught alongside their typically developing peers following Individual Education Plans.


El Primer Paso is conveniently located at 29 Segur Street, Dover, near all major routes. Call or contact Executive Director Kathleen Casiano at 973-361-0880 or to learn more or arrange a visit.

How to register:

Apply NOW for ALL programs options!

All classes are taught by highly qualified bilingual teaching staff using the Creative Curriculum  approved by the NJ Department of Education.


 El Primer Paso offers the following preschool programs:


  • Early Care                           7:00 AM – 8:30 AM      (Monday – Friday)          

  • Full-day preschool             8:30 AM – 2:30 PM (Monday – Friday)                     

  • Afterschool care                2:30-6:00 PM on       (Monday – Friday)           days when school is in                                                session 


Call El Primer Paso to schedule an appointment to tour our facility and register for September 

(973) 361-0880

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